American Arbitration Association - International Centre for Dispute Resolution


Expertise matters: The ICDR® -International Centre for Dispute Resolution®- is the international division of the largest arbitral institution in the world, the American Arbitration Association® (AAA®). The ICDR is the foremost provider of global conflict-resolution solutions to business and organizations involved in cross-border disputes.
The ICDR embraces a party-centered approach that empowers parties and arbitrators to settle their disputes more effectively with a number of ICDR time-and –cost-savings options. We rely on a worldwide international roster, comprised of hundreds of highly regarded, diverse business professionals, attorneys and former dignitaries, all specialists in international dispute resolution. Our global experience with law firms and international business along with our multilingual staff is an integral part of our administrative system.
The ICDR utilizes state-of-the-art electronic administrative platforms and manages cases from several offices and hearing centers all over the world. In addition to our dedicated offices located in Miami, New York City, Singapore, Houston, Los Angeles or San Francisco, the ICDR maintains a global network of 87 cooperative agreements in 54+ countries –sharing access to hearing rooms, facilities and information.