Call for entries
Competition Details
The Miami International Arbitration Society (“MIAS”) invites practitioners and scholars to participate in the inaugural edition of its annual Writing Competition. The MIAS Writing Competition aims to foster intellectual exploration of current and cutting-edge topics in international arbitration and to provide an excellent opportunity to new and emerging professionals to showcase their expertise and contribute to the field.
Participants are encouraged to submit original articles that contribute to the understanding of contemporary international arbitration. Here are the key details:
Eligibility: The competition is open to practitioners or scholars who are either starting their careers in international arbitration or making a career shift into this field. Participants must have been in the field For no more than 10 years at the time of entry.
Submission Topic: Articles should address issues related to international commercial or investment arbitration with or without any specific geographical focus.
Submission Deadline: Entries must be submitted electronically by September 15th, 2024.
Announcement of Winner: The winner will be announced during the 2024 Miami Arbitration Week (“MAW”) in early December.
Prizes: The winner will receive:
A cash prize of USD $ 1,000.
A plaque.
A publication of the winning article in the World Arbitration and Mediation Review (WAMR).
II. Eligibility Requirements
Participants must be professionals who meet the following criteria:
Starting their careers in international arbitration or transitioning into this field, i.e., be in the field during no more than 10 years.
Representing that they meet the qualification at the time of submission.
Each participant may submit only one article.
III. Submission Requirements
Articles must comply with the following rules:
Be completely independent work of the participant and be original.
Identify the author only on a cover page, providing only the name and contact information. The body of the article should not contain any mention to the identity of the author, their affiliation, or include references that identify them.
Be on a topic materially related to international commercial or investment arbitration.
Follow formatting guidelines:
Font: 12-point Times New Roman (TNR) for main text, 10-point TNR for footnotes.
Word Count: Not less than 5,000 words nor longer than 10,000 words (excluding footnotes).
Citations: Use the Blue Book citation format.
Submission Format: MS Word.
Submit the article via the Miami International Arbitration Society website by the deadline.
IV. Awards
The winners will be notified in November and awards will be given during the 2024 Miami Arbitration Week in early December.
The first-place award will be given for the article judged to be of publishable quality, which obtains the highest score in the following criteria:
Innovative Approach: The article should present fresh perspectives, novel ideas, or unique methodologies. It should contribute something new to the existing body of knowledge in international arbitration.
Avoiding Repetition: Originality lies in avoiding mere repetition of well-established concepts or arguments in the field of international arbitration.
Depth of Analysis: The article should delve deeply into the subject matter, covering relevant aspects comprehensively.
Addressing Multiple Angles: It should explore various angles, including legal, practical, and theoretical dimensions.
Balanced Treatment: A comprehensive article considers both sides of an argument or issue.
Clear Structure: The article should be well-organized, with a logical flow from introduction to conclusion.
Accessible Language: Use clear, concise language that is easily understandable by professionals in the field.
Effective Communication: Clarity extends to how well the author communicates complex ideas.
Thorough Research: Rigorous articles are based on extensive research, including primary and secondary sources.
Citation Accuracy: Properly cite legal authorities, precedents, and scholarly works.
Analytical Rigor: Rigorous analysis involves critical thinking, logical reasoning, and evidence-based conclusions.
Depending on the number of entries received, the awards committee may decide to award one or more honorable mentions.
Direct any questions to Manuel A. Gómez (magomez@fiu.edu)
Submission Form