Tuesday, July 14, at 2:30 p.m., EDT As the global COVID-19 pandemic develops, arbitration providers worldwide have evolved to accommodate the need for efficient and effective access to dispute resolution. In Latin America, although the situation is generating opportunities, the situation is further compounded by the economic and political crises that are taking place in many of the countries. This program explores how arbitral institutions in Latin America are managing current caseloads and preparing for future uncertainties, challenges and change. Speakers will discuss: How have institutions managed the existing cases? How prepared are institutions for a forthcoming surge of claims? How might COVID-19 accelerate existing following trends? o  Expedition o  Efficiency o  Use of technology How will institutions respond to the above? Will commercial and investment arbitrations be on the rise due to the state of flux in Latin America? Featured Speakers: Cecilia Flores Rueda, FloresRueda Asociados, Mexico            Macarena Letelier, Executive Director                               Centro de Arbitraje y Mediacion, Camara de Comercio de Santiago, Chile Katherine Gonzalez Arrocha Director for LATAM  ICC International Court of Arbitration Moderated by: Diana Droulers Droulers & Asociados, Venezuela Â